Good Practices - Greece
Integrated methodologies and systems for the control, analysis and assessment of the quality and performance of transport systems and services provided by transport operators in the passenger transport sector
Based on the “quality loop” at the level of the public transport system and on an extended literature review (project results, already applied methodologies, EU documents), CERTH/HIT developed “Integrated methodology and system for the control, analysis and assessment of the quality and performance of transport systems and services provided by transport operators in the passenger transport sector” for the case of the Bus Services in Thessaloniki (2005).
The quality loop at the level of the public transport system Source: AFNOR
The methodological steps followed are presented in the following figure:
Methodology for developing the integrated system for the control, analysis and assessment of the quality and performance of transport systems and services, CERTH/HIT
For the final selection of indicators, the following parameters were considered:
- Users’ needs and rating for specific criteria (significance) - (Customer Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction) / Quadrant Analysis
- Transport provider business model
- Methodologies and benchmarks from the international experience are the following:
- TRCP, Report 100, “Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual”, 2nd Edition, 2004.
- EU, RTD Programme “PORTAL- Promotion of Results in Transport Research and Learning”, Final Report, 2003.
- TRCP, Report 88, “A Guidebook for Developing a Transit Performance-Measurement System”, 2003.
- EUROPEAN STANDARD, EN 13816, “Transportation- Logistics and services- Public passenger transport- Service quality definition, targeting and measurement”, April 2002.
- EQUIP – 4th F.P. project – Final Report and particularly its annex (practical handbook), 2000.
- TRCP, Report 47, “A Handbook for Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality”, 1999.
- QUATTRO – 4th F.P. project – Quality approach in tendering/contracting urban public transport operations – Final Report, June 1998.
- TRCP, Report 37, “A Handbook: Integrating Market Research into Transit Management”, 1998.
- “Bus planning and Operation in Urban Areas: A Practical Guide”, G.A. Giannopoulos, 1989.
- Strategic Performance Measures for State Departments of Transportation Handbook for CEOs and Executives, Final Report, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, TRB, June 2003.
Main parameters in monitoring chain for PT services
The decision support system (DSS) developed is a strategic tool for the monitoring and enhancement of the provided public transport services.
2. Challenges and barriers in implementing /introducing selected good practice and respective ways used in order to overcome or limit risks
The validity of data collection from users’ and from the transport provider(s) involved is of crucial importance for deriving correct decisions.
3. Funding mechanism, cooperation schemes developed and institutional reforms made
The transport provider financed the study that was conducted by CERTH/HIT.
4. Factors of success
A monitoring and control system that depends on correct data feeding.
5. Recommendations, transferability
Easily transferable given small necessary modifications according to the legal structures and the business models of the transport providers.